Access the Most Selective Library of Design Goods
Access the Most Selective Library of Design Goods
$120 billed yearly
Annual Plan
All-New Pixelbuddha Plus
Pixelbuddha Premium catalogue now included
Hand-picked resources from best-selling authors
Library of 2,800+ items with daily updates
Unlimited downloads
Access the Most Selective Library of Design Goods
Access the Most Selective Library of Design Goods
All-New Pixelbuddha Plus
Pixelbuddha Premium catalogue now included
Hand-picked resources from best-selling authors
Library of 2,800+ items with daily updates
Unlimited downloads
Monthly Plan
Original Products
The resources featured in Plus are made by our fellow design teams or ourselves. These are premium-grade items that embody unique concepts and uncompromising quality to meet the demands of creative professionals.
Trend research
Only go-to stuff on the radar! We set quality over quantity, and it's not just about organized PSDs or multi-format graphics collections. It's about trends too: if there's a new design tendency, you'll meet it in our library.
Quality Control
We approach selecting and testing resources as if we would use them in our own creative work. We ensure that any product works flawlessly in its software, is user-friendly, and allows to produce engaging visuals.
What We Build On
Convenient License
Enjoy the flexibility of our commercial license, allowing you to use the entire library for your commercial projects. If you're to create a product for sale, reach out to us, and we'll assist you in obtaining the extended license.
Your Future Library
Presentation is the key. Check hundreds of mockups and scene generators to wrap up your concepts and ensure a proper showcase of your work.
Every font here is a diamond. It's all about versatility, from minimalist sans serifs to the trendiest bubble types, graffiti, and calligraphy.
We've got effects in any style. The Plus library holds hundreds of them, from glitches to holography, so you will find the add-on to amp up your graphics or texts.
Graphics are a synonym for creativity, don't you know that? And we've got all facets of it, from grunge textures to extensive mixed media sets.
Plus Pricing
Select a plan. Explore the library & get inspired. Do design things. Upgrade or cancel anytime.
Lifetime Plan
One-time purchase
  • 2,800+ Selected Items
  • Constantly Growing Library
  • Includes Special Items
  • Hand-Picked Curation
  • Plain Commercial License
  • Unlimited Downloads
  • No subscriptions
Monthly Plan
Perfect test-drive
  • Includes Special Items
  • Constantly Growing Library
  • Hand-Picked Curation
  • Plain Commercial License
  • Unlimited Downloads
  • Cancel Anytime
  • 2,800+ Selected Items
Quarterly Plan
Now you're saving
  • 2,800+ Selected Items
  • Constantly Growing Library
  • Includes Special Items
  • Hand-Picked Curation
  • Plain Commercial License
  • Unlimited Downloads
  • Cancel Anytime
$60 billed quarterly
Save 33%
Annual Plan
$120 billed yearly
  • 2,800+ Selected Items
  • Constantly Growing Library
  • Includes Special Items
  • Plain Commercial License
  • Hand-Picked Curation
  • Unlimited Downloads
Most for your money
  • Cancel Anytime
Save 67%
Featured Collections
Despite its selectiveness, Plus effectively covers a wide range of assets. This ensures that designers have access to comprehensive resources tailored to meet the diverse needs.
We're Proud of These
Hundreds of designers, creators, and studios fuel Pixelbuddha Plus. Here are just a few names we're privileged to work with — be sure to discover their top-notch resources.
Masterly crafted object mockups and scene creators.
High-quality mockups and UI. From devices to branding.
A type foundry focused on stunning and beautiful fonts.
Display typefaces with sophisticated design features.
Avant-garde digital products for designers and illustrators.
Original social media templates & unique fonts.
High-quality textures & mockups with an industrial touch.
Unique fonts inspired by the fierce style of metal bands.
Fonts, carefully crafted & designed for any screen.
Frequently Asked Questions
Pixelbuddha Plus is our premium membership that gives you access to exclusive design resources and top-notch content that is not available in the free section. As a member, you also gain access to the Pixelbuddha Premium catalog, which is now included at no extra cost.
Pixelbuddha Plus is our premium membership that gives you access to exclusive design resources and top-notch content that is not available in the free section. As a member, you also gain access to the Pixelbuddha Premium catalog, which is now included at no extra cost.
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We’re a team of Pixelbuddha studio, passionate about creating free & premium graphic design resources for the professional community
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